mean mama

27w6d – a bad night but okay for now
March 30, 2008, 12:00 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

We are okay. The baby is still in. However, last night at 9 I had to go down to labor and delivery because my nightly fetal heart monitoring picked up a couple decelerations. It was a stressful night. I had to be on monitors all night and into the next afternoon. Now I am back on the ante-partum floor, only in a different room since they gave my original one away while I was in l&d. In good news, tomorrow I officially will be 28 weeks, and I started a second and final round of steroid shots for the baby’s lungs this morning. I’m hanging in there, but I am terrified about my next monitoring.

The boys actually still got to visit, following a crying fit I had on l&d, in which I stated in between gasps and sniffles that I hadn’t seen my kids for like 2 weeks and now that I was on l&d, I didn’t know when I would ever get to see them (l&d does not technically allow kids to visit). They took mercy on me, and the boys did come. They were mostly interested in the buttons that operate my bed and the brownie that was part of my hospital lunch. I told them that I would come home when the baby came out of my belly, and I think that at least M sort of understood it. Then my sister and P took them across the street to a Central Park playground, which they apparently loved.

Well, I have get going and get ready for my 30 minute fetal heart monitoring. Wonderful. Will it be successful or will I be sent right back down to l&d? Tune in for the exciting conclusion tomorrow night…

5 Comments so far
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I hope the monitoring goes well today. I hope the decelerration was a random event. I have no idea how you have the strength to be away from your family and your home. It must be so hard. You are moments away from 28 weeks, and, as you know, that is an amazing thing.

When my friend’s twins were in the NICU, she asked the nurses “How can you work here in the NICU and not get so depressed?” and the nurse responded “Because almost all of these babies go home.” I thought that was so reassuring. Your big baby is going to just fine…inside or out. But I guess it is up to him/her to let everyone know where they will continue growing.

Comment by Jennifer

I am sorry you had such a scare, but am glad that things are looking better now. And that you got to see your boys and they enjoyed pressing the buttons on your bed.

We are still thinking of you and sending lots of good thoughts your way.

Comment by Co

Yikes! No more decels, little one! You are in the best place possible right now.

Hang in there J – I hope there are many more pre-baby posts yet to come.

Comment by Jen (yup, another one)

i echo jen (the other one) ~ hoping for a lot more #wk/#d pre-baby posts from you ~ lots of b-o-r-i-n-g ones with good test results and nice status quo things… and what TV marathon you are currently watching 🙂

sending you all a lot of love and prayers!

Comment by gypsygrrl

I’m sorry you had such a scary night. Glad everything is OK. I just sent you part of an email from my cousin with some details about her experiences having a preemie/going into pre-term labor twice, and now with two healthy children.

Comment by melissa

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