mean mama

just a routine soup surgery – UPDATE: no surgery!
July 14, 2009, 5:31 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

M has to get tubes in his ears and his adenoid removed tomorrow. I am not happy about this, but I’ll be okay. Most of my fear is based on visions of what it was like when J, as a baby, had to be sedated and when he had to undergo surgery. Bad times. But, I keep saying to myself, “I’ll be okay.” These times are not those times, after all.

I’ll be okay (even though his ENT’s office sent home a whole information sheet about anesthesia death statistics for children. Yes they did. WTF?).

I’ll be okay (regardless of the fact that twin brother J is having screaming fits because he wants “soup in my ears!” (He meant “tubes.”)  Because if he got surgery for soup in his ears, that would apparently mean that he could have all of that pudding, jello, and ice cream in our fridge currently, a rare treat in the mean mama household.)

I’ll be okay because I’ve been okay before (but oh why oh why did they send me that anesthesia info sheet with death stats? WHY? Don’t they know that I’m a worrier?)

And I’ll be okay this time, as will M (knock on f-ing wood).

UPDATE: Oh my God! The doctor looked at M during the pre-op appointment today and said his ears looked clearer and that he was sending him right away for another hearing test… and his hearing is MUCH improved since March! That means that the doctor is holding off on surgery and is going to re-evaluate in November. What a (wonderful) shock! Did we actually get a break for once, I ask you? Why, yes we did.! Now, I must go start working on eating all of that ice cream in my freezer. Well, someone has to do it.

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I’m a new reader to your blog… can’t recall how I found it now? Anyway, I’m sure all will go well tomorrow. I’m like you, though, BIG WORRIER… I’ve learned to, kid you not, NOT read any of those DR sheets and just SIGN. Helps to save my sanity… what little I have! =)

Thinking of you all tomorrow….it WILL go fine! =)

Comment by Beth

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